Our next stop was a place called Shackleton, which is home to a bit over forty shackletonians and one clam to fame that no other town in Australia has.... it has the smallest bank!
That's right it is the smallest Bank in Australia, and because of that it only opens Friday's from 3 to 4.30. Fairdinkum it's owned no
No... our next stop wasn't at Ruce rock, it was at Bruce Rock, that's what happens when you have a apprentice photographer at hand..... bloody casuals!
As you can see Jacko was up and going again but unfortunately not for long, and just after these photos he was back in his seat and yelling into the bucket.
Here is little Tania trying to climb through a hole in the old wagon, in the process getting stuck for a minute... I thought I could get away with only two kiddies in the car. But somehow she managed to get out, untie her legs and get back in the car before I shot out of the information bay.... bugger.
And then after a trip of just over 430kms we had made it to our camping ground WAVE ROCK, here is our tent all set up ready for our night under the stars.
After setting up camp and having a beaut feed of steak n' snags (without a veggie in sight... you little ripper), we hit the track up the hill to have our first sight of this big rock. The kiddies had a touch each and were right in their element,
And my thinking had worked a treat, who said Dad's were dumb (probably Mums), the plan was to run them stupid and then lay back and reap the rewards and it worked to perfection. After this photo in about ten minutes they were all in the dreamtime!
The next morning at the crack of dawn we were all up and ready to have a proper gander at Wave Rock, and isn't it a friggin' ripper. Fairdinkum it was really worth the drive to this place, and you just have to have a look at this thing.
I let the kiddies have a beaut run about and just spend some time looking at this rock, this rock is a granite cliff which is 15 metres high and 110 metres long. In 1960 rock crystals from Wave rock were dated as being 2700 million years old, strewth that's a bit old hay. after playing around we had our first proper bushwalk to a place called Hippos Yawn, and that just topped off the day.
And here are the kiddies at Hippos Yarn, it consists of an unusually shaped granite that was formerly part of the larger outcrop. Which formed into a cave that you can see the kiddies in frount off, well okay you can see one kiddie bu
After walking back to the camp site it was time to pack up and hit the road, the first stop was a place called Lake Magic which is a large salt lake. Here is yours truly with Harrison, Sarah and Jacko on the salty shores of Lake Magic.
Then it was back in the commodore and off to a place called Mulka's Cave, Mulka was the illegal son of a sheilah who fell in love with a bloke from whom marriage was forbidden, and so became an outcast and wasn't aloud to integrate with the other kiddies. As a result Mulka lived most of his time in the cave, and out of frustration he t
The kiddies inside Mulka's Cave, In Mulka's day this would of represented a full three course meal!
Then it was back in the car and a quick drive through Hyden, Kondinin and we were at Corrigin home of the 'Dog in the ute'. Here in the park the kiddies are on the Dog, which sat in the back of the first ute in the line that became the world record for.... you guessed it, for most dogs in the back of utes in a straight line. Fairdinkum you had to have at leas
Then we stopped at our last reststop which was back in York, but this time Jacko was back at his best and was trying to swing the bridge... to Sarah's utter disgust (she was pissed), what a great way to end a beaut trip out bush.