Before the service started they had movie screens set all around Kings Park, which had films from the different wars. During the service they show it all up on the screen, which saves us from getting to close. Can you imagine how you would feel if during the one minute silence, everyone hears 'Daddy I need to pee' Bugger that!
At the end of dawn service they flow eight old tiger moths over our heads...... cool
And here are the little kiddies Sarah, Harrison and Jacko as the sun comes up, we have the chance to wonder about and have a gander at the memorial.
Here's the Nevilles with city Perth behind them, doesn't Harrison look like one of those little garden gnomes!
The kiddies in frount of the War Memorial.
After that we had a little walk to say g'day to George, which is an old Boab tree in Kings Park. (We'll have another post on him another time)
You know how their is a plaque for each of the solders killed in the Wars, well we deiced to 'Adopte a soldier' and find out something about him. So we found our first bloke called Thomas Dunn, we found out that he was 23 when killed in action and was involved in the start of the war with the 12th Battalion at Gallipoli, the War started on the 25th of April and he died on the 28th so he didn't last very long hay and is buried at lone pine Gallipoli. And that was the end of our second dawn service at Kings Park, and you never know maybe Oscar might come out next year.