Well what do you get a bunch of ruff-nuts, who are on first name bases with the nurses at the Swan District Hospital? You've got it A TRAMPOLINE! And as you can see the twins Harrison n' Oscar were the first to lay their bums on it.
Then it was little princess Sarah's turn to act like a spastic spider! Now what happen is the minster for war Tania, was reading the local paper when she came apon a little notice that someone was giving away a trampolin
Then came the monster boy Jacko, who by the way has gone to the top of the odds board for the first hospital trip. Fairdinkum hes at 2/1 with Harrison close behind at 3/1, Oscar 5/1 and Sarah 7/1. You might of noticed a new ladder in our sidebar of our blog, with the num
And last but not least the little fella Chase, i can see him thinking 'You've got to be joking dad'.